Mahdieh Abbasi's Bio

I graduated with a PhD in Computer Engineering from Universite Laval (UL), researching under supervision of Christian Gagne (the director of Insitute Intelligence and Data and a MILA's professor) and Denis Laurendeau (the director of Computer Vision and System Lab). My Ph.D. research revolved around dependable and secure learning models to adversarial examples and Out-of-Distribution samples. Before joining UL, I was a researcher master student at Digital Media Lab of Sharif University of Technology (SUT), working on 3D human pose estimation under supervision of Hamid. R. Rabiee. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from SUT. As my BSc project, I studied and investigated the community detection algorithms for detecting communities of Iranian Mathematicians around the globe.

Core Competencies

Machine Learning Deep Learning Computer Vision
Learn patterns and relationship between data features to predict a desire output End-to-end layer-wise ML models; learn to extract features, then classify Understand images (videos); detect objects
Tools: Scikit-learn | Scipy | Numpy Tools: PyTorch | TensorFlow | Theano Tools: OpenCV | Pillow | TorchVision

Education Background

PhD in Computer Engineering 2015-2020
Université Laval, Canada
Advisor: Prof. Christian Gagné
Co-advisor: Prof. Denis Laurendeau
Thesis: Toward robust deep neural networks
Msc in Artificial Intelligence 2010-2012
Alzahra University, Iran
Thesis advisor: Prof. Hamid. R. Rabiee
Thesis: Monocular 3D human pose estimation
BSc in Computer Science 2005-2010
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Project advisor: Prof. Hamid. R. Rabiee
Project: Communities detection from scocial graph


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